
Learning to voice out on grassroots issues with mobile phones

2019/08/16 16:58
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Many people want to express their feelings and share stories from their local area, but don't know where to start. PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform is a fantastic channel for this, but some groups in society are unfamiliar with using digital tools. Fortunately, there are courses available in every community to ensure that everyone who wants to learn gets the opportunity.

Nowadays, mobile phones provide a convenient tool for recording our lives, and as they are always on our person, as long as you know how to use them, you can record things anytime, anywhere. It's not easy to produce CJ reports, but after mastering the basic skills, anyone can be a great citizen journalist.

Many experienced CJs from PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform are now starting classes in local communities, universities, and learning centers all over the country, so if you fancy producing CJ reports with your own unique flavor, get yourself along to one of the many courses available to learn the skills, gain experience, and join the CJ revolution!


學習手機拍公民報導 為自己與地方發聲








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