
PeoPo Zhushan Your Shoot: Witnessing the transformation of a village

2019/10/29 09:54
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PeoPo推 1

Nantou Zhushan was formerly known as “Station 1,” the base town before crossing Taiwan’s Central Mountain Range. The residents got through the 921 Earthquake and began rebuilding their town, starting with the defunct Taixi Bus Station. Combining the history of people and the land, locals began creating a new look for Zhushan.


The old bus station has been transformed into a bamboo-styled specialty restaurant, and the street’s century-old stores have been connected using QR Codes to help visitors learn more about these ancient trades passed down through the generations. In Blacksmith Lane, the boss of Zhushan’s blacksmith has been using the same old method of hammering red-hot iron into all manner of shapes and sizes every day for decades.


In addition to traditional crafts, increasing numbers of young people are coming back to foster the cultural and creative industries, combining their skills with centuries-old crafts to enhance Zhushan’s unique character and bring more opportunities for development into the area.




把舊車站改造成竹編特色餐廳,並運用QR Code串聯街上的百年老店,讓遊客來到竹山能更了解這些傳承百年的文化故事。位在打鐵巷內,至今依舊遵循古法打鐵,把通紅的鐵打得鏗鏘作響,這是老闆數十年如一日的打鐵日常。







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