
Merging cultural activities to pass on age-old traditions

2019/11/20 11:05
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PeoPo推 0

The annual “Salt Gratitude Ceremony” in Chiayi’s Zhou Nan Salt Flats expresses gratitude to the gods for the offering of salt. During the event, there are also various activities, including a market, challenge course, and salt pan tours, which are helping to preserve this traditional culture and inject new ideas into the age-old ceremony.


Over the years, some young people have returned to their hometowns to work the abandoned salt pans and began transforming the area’s traditional salt industry. In addition to the production of sun-dried salt, they have also developed environmental education. By getting people to step into the salt pans, people can experience the salt drying process first hand. At the same time, they have also incorporated social media marketing to upgrade salt into a cultural good.


Today, the Salt Gratitude Ceremony has retained its traditional customs yet transformed into a cultural experience of rich educational significance. It not only allows people to get a close look at salt, something so fundamental to our everyday life, but also continues the culture of expressing gratitude to the gods for salt.


謝鹽祭融文化體驗 盼延續在地謝鹽精神









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