

2010/02/25 16:08
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PeoPo推 14

該篇報導的作者為前英國BBC全球新聞總監Philip Harding,他在去年12月親訪公視PEOPO,今年2月15日在英國衛報發表以下報導。
原始連結: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/feb/15/citizen-journalism-taiwan

菲利普.哈丁(Philip Harding) 《英國衛報》2010年2月15日

台灣媒體的自由程度是不是亞洲數一數二,或許還有爭議;然而可以肯定的是,台灣媒體確實是百家爭鳴。這座島嶼的兩千三百萬民眾,擁有八個二十四小時電視新聞頻道、二十個電視台播放晚間新聞、四千家雜誌、兩千五百家報紙、兩百家廣播電台。然而根據Edelman Asia Pacific的一項調查,台灣媒體受信任的程度,在亞洲地區卻是排名墊底。






相關連結: 前英國BBC全球新聞總監參訪PeoPo


Public Television's citizen journalism project hailed a success
    * Philip Harding
    * The Guardian, Monday 15 February 2010

Whether Taiwan's media are among the most free in Asia, or not, there are certainly a lot of outlets. The island has eight 24-hour news channels, 20 evening newscasts, 4,000 magazines, 2,500 newspapers and 200 radio stations – all for a population of 23 million. But the Taiwanese media are also ranked by users as being the least trusted in Asia, according to the Edelman Asia Pacific survey.

Faced with such widespread public distrust, Public Television in Taiwan – a public broadcaster in the same way as the BBC – has launched an impressive multimedia citizen journalism project called PeoPo (an abbreviation of People's Post).

It's a project that goes much further than most news organisations' limp pleas to viewers to "send us your photos and videos". In just over two years about 4,000 PeoPo members have contributed over 30,000 completed reports to its website. When Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan last August killing more than 700 people and causing widespread devastation, it was the PeoPo project, with its widespread and persistent team of video reporters, which shamed the government into getting much-needed aid to the stricken areas.

Contributors must join PeoPo to post reports on the site but once registered, they are free to contribute what they like without moderation or interference. If someone objects to a report, it is forwarded to the contributor who is invited to reconsider and amend it if they want to. The TV station reserves the right to remove material, but it has never done so.

One of the ways quality is maintained is by an extensive training programme for members. The project has run over 300 face-to-face workshops; there are 50 online training videos.

The mainstream public television channel has integrated this output into its programmes. There is a daily five-minute programme on the best stories filed that day and at the weekend the main news bulletins carry at least four PeoPo reports. PeoPo could well be a model for citizen journalism in the future.



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霖 塋 (未驗證) ・ 2010/02/26 02:02

既然 PEOPO 是 讓台灣人民自由發聲 的 平台﹐ 就應該 把某某作者的文章 和讀者
的回應『原汁 原味』地 登 出﹐決 不可以讓別的媒體 把人家的文章折 錄 然後加
進 他一個人的意見 以 作『誤 導 讀者』或 『挑 撥 離間』的用途。

請 PEOPO 主管 把 謝 明 海 在2010 年2 月8 日 在PEOPO 登 的文章 『從公視的人看公視的事』放 回 PEOPO 平台 吧。這篇 文章昨天 給『苦 勞 網』換 掉 與及拿 去做 他 自己 的 宣傳 了。

peopo 平台 (未驗證) ・ 2010/02/26 07:58

In reply to by 霖 塋 (未驗證)

您好,經由網頁上方的搜尋功能,還是可以找到謝明海先生在2010 年2 月8 日 在PEOPO發表的文章『從公視的人看公視的事』,該文章的上下架或內容變更或留言的管理,均由發稿的公民記者自主管理。謝謝

素素 (未驗證) ・ 2010/02/26 14:39


落山風 (未驗證) ・ 2010/02/26 15:21

做事不必、也不須考慮「全方位、十全十美」,肯去「做」的人,不論結果如何? 均值得給予掌聲和鼓勵。

霖 塋 (未驗證) ・ 2010/02/27 00:24

在學校 無論是交 功課 或 考試 都不准 抄襲, 在社會 也不 應 抄 別人的文章, 更不准用 『掛羊 牌 賣狗 肉』手法 去 欺騙 讀者,誤 導 讀者對一件 事情 的看法。

每 個人都可以有自己的看法 與 意見,大家都可以公開發表,公道地 評 評 理, 互相溝通是件 好事,台灣的社會才會越 來越 民主。 用 不著 哪些 持 有『極 端』
個性的人來做 手腳。

一個人有本事就寫 文章,沒 有 足 夠的本事 就先 學看文章, 總 不該 用 COPY AND PASTE 去『拿』別人的文章﹐, 再 加 鹽 加 醋 !

素素 (未驗證) ・ 2010/02/27 10:39
