
Citizen Journalism Workshop – Showcasing the reporting ability of the youth

2020/08/19 15:32
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I don’t know if regular viewers of PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform have noticed the scores of young CJ foot soldiers who have joined recently, providing a whole swath of new and exciting topics and content. Many of these new citizen journalists are college students who participated in the PeoPo Citizen Journalism Workshop this summer. Over the four-day course, students were instructed in the skills of interviewing, shooting and editing, allowing these fledgling citizen journalists to get some much-needed reporting experience under their belts.

Now in its fourteenth year, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Workshop has trained more than 1,400 young university graduates to become citizen journalists. Participants at the workshop are encouraged to cultivate the spirit of citizen journalism, focusing on grassroots issues and public issues that matter to society. Though they may not continue to produce reports in the future, PeoPo believes that by helping sow the seeds of citizen journalism in their hearts, they will be better able to appreciate the value of citizen journalism and how it differs from the mainstream media.


公民新聞實習營 展現年輕人報導能量








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