
Cries of the street hawker passing on warmth

2020/08/24 10:19
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PeoPo推 0

The mobile grocery store may be an important part of the lives of residents in Luzhu District, Taoyuan, but for Chen Tian-gui (陳添貴), the store’s owner, it is his entire life. Each morning, Chen Tian-gui begins stocking the shelves of his mobile store, which sells everything from vegetables and fresh food to snacks and cooked food. The boss, Chen Tiangui, began following his father’s mobile grocery business when he was in junior high school and has continued for the last 35 years.


But the times have gradually changed, and nowadays, people eat out more, spending less time cooking at home. This has meant that the business of hawking vegetables isn’t as lucrative as days gone by. Despite this, A-gui, as the locals know him, continues to hawk his wears, and is a symbol of the connection between people. Uniting people at a visceral level, the driving force which keeps him hawking his wares on the streets despite less than favorable returns, is the hope of sharing that warm human touch which shopping so often lacks today.



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