
Hiking Farm: Young farmers create a paradise of ecological coexistence

2020/10/29 15:27
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PeoPo推 0

Many people have negative stereotypes about bats. However, with speculation that the recent COVID-19 virus ravaging the world may have originated in bats, public disgust and fear have deepened. In fact, bats are an auspicious creature in Chinese culture. Hiking Farm, an ecological farm in Jinshan District, New Taipei City, uses five types of bat to symbolize the five ancient traditional blessings - health, wealth, long life, virtue, and a peaceful death.


From the Ching Ming Festival to October each year, the Formosan leaf-nosed bat flies in to breed. There are about 300 Formosan leaf-nosed bats on the farm, which can eat more than 400,000 insects in one summer, helping to remove pests from crops and fertilize the soil with their feces. The proprietor of Hiking Farm spent three long years reorganizing the farmhouse and kept the original ruins to maintain a quality living environment for the bats in the hope they will continue to return long into the future.



蝙蝠遠足之處 青農打造生態共存樂園









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