
Sanxia indigo dyeing workshop demonstrates the beauty of Strobilanthes formosanus

2021/01/05 10:00
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Flowers of the Strobilanthes formosanus plant on Wuliaojian Mountain in Sanxia are like the myriad stars in the sky. With its distinctive blue-purple flowers and opposite leaf arrangement, Strobilanthes formosanus is a beautiful flower and the raw material for indigo dyeing.


Making indigo dye from Strobilanthes formosanus and transforming this into garments is an entirely manual process. Because each unique item of clothing is hand-made, they sell for a comparatively higher price than regular high-street clothes, making it more difficult to attract buyers. Due to this fact, the industry struggles to secure a steady return flow of funds.


Lecturer Liao, Pao-Kui (廖寶桂), who has been actively engaged in indigo dyeing for 20 years, hopes that the participation of forest farmers will increase the output of Strobilanthes formosanus and thereby help reduce the cost of indigo dye. Moreover, she proposes that the government establishes a licensing system to give employers more peace of mind when hiring. This would also provide recognition and protection for indigo artisans and help to attract younger people to learn this traditional craft.



新北三峽藍染工藝 看見馬藍花之美











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