
Pandemic triggers meals on wheels bonanza

2021/07/05 15:15
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As the pandemic situation in Taiwan worsens, many dining activities for the elderly in cafeterias and community centers have been canceled. Thankfully, there is a group of people silently working to ensure elderly members of the community still get their meals delivered. Located in Chiayi, Silvergate Delivery for Elders not only provides a meals-on-wheels service for the elderly but also checks on their wellbeing - a precious service in such turbulent times.


Like other delivery platforms in the market, Silvergate has an app to help food delivery staff make the service more convenient and efficient. In addition, Silvergate recently launched a subscription project, where consumers can donate vegetables. This helps to provide healthy and safe ingredients so that the elderly can eat with peace of mind. With the hope of bringing a better quality of life to older people, Silvergate continues to devote efforts to update its services so that more people will get to know about their service.



疫情大衝擊 送餐不休息









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