
Apprehension in the small fishing village of Luzhugou

2022/01/10 14:37
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Located next to the Beimen Lagoon in Tainan, Luzhugou is a small fishing village where oysters are the main source of livelihood. Despite being one of the major oyster farming areas in Tainan City, the oysters of Luzhugou are rarely heard of in the market, most being bought by peddlers from the areas of Budai and Dongshi.

This sleepy village has witnessed a sea change since fish farms next to the village were turned into a photovoltaic farm. The houses beside the photovoltaic farm have been experiencing blistering temperatures, and noise from the collection station disturbs locals. Despite this and the daunting prospect of toxic pollution from future cleaning of the photovoltaic panels, the residents have not received a reasonable answer to their concerns. In such an eco-friendly, sustainable fishing village, finding a balance between green energy and the environment is an issue the government cannot avoid and not something that can be solved by changing the site to a photovoltaic farm by labeling it a so-called "unfavorable farming area."










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