
Deity altar carpenters advance age-old traditions by combining cultural and creative industries

2022/01/10 14:48
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Daxi is famous for making altar tables and was once in the top three most prominent areas of altar table production in Taiwan. However, through the years, the wood industry in Daxi has gradually declined. The process of making an altar table is a difficult job, including selecting wood, shaping, polishing, and burnishing, which requires not only fine craftsmanship but also skill in operating machinery. In the face of decreasing demand in the woodworking market, Huang Yu-huang, a second-generation carpenter's successor, has embraced customization and added a modern aesthetic touch that combines tradition with the latest trends.


Huang Yu-Huang is keeping this age-old tradition alive while at the same time trying to innovate. She has designed wooden roses made from wood shavings soaked in water and folded into flowers, integrating craftsmanship with creativity. Huang hopes that her work will help deepen the public's understanding of Daxi wood art and pass on the artisan spirit.



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