
Urban Plaza, New Look in Yilan

2022/01/11 00:18
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Urban Plaza will new opened in Yilan. It might improve the life function and  convenience of life. More tourists will come to Yilan and  promote consumption. And also can provide many employment opportunities for locals.  But it also brings negative benefits, such as traffic congestion or the old and characteristic houses far away have been demolished.

LUNA  Plaza is the only composite commercial building in Yilan County. It combines large-scale shopping malls, movie theaters, five-star hotels, retail stores and other types of businesses to bring people more enjoyment in life. In the "Urban Shopping Plaza" near Yilan City Railway Station and Jimmy Park, another unique Xibei "Urban Living Circle" covering an area of ​​2,400 square meters will be built in the future, which is convenient for local residents. Sexuality improves, and choices become more diversified.

“There is a new palace for shopping and leisure,”Mr.Lee said.

“Does it improve the convenience of life?''Ms.Chen said.

“Does it improve life function?''Ms.Chen said.

“Yes,it brings one more choice,”Mr.Lee said.

But as an employee of Crescent Plaza, he may have different ideas about Urban Plaza.

''I'm working in the LUNA  Plaza as a timekeeper.If guests in LUNA  Plaza is getting fewer,we will be reduce work hours.My salary will not be enough.’’Ms.Lin said.

 Erburn Plaza is located on Yilan’s main traffic arteries. In addition to nearby attractions such as Yilan Railway Station, Jimmy Park, and Diu Diu Dang Forest Plaza, the influx of tourists may cause traffic jams and cause problems for local people. 

LUNA  Plaza is the largest and only shopping mall in northeastern Taiwan. It is a large-scale shopping mall. After that, Erben Plaza will introduce first-class domestic and foreign famous brands, including major specialty stores, lifestyle retail, medical technology institutions, catering and light food. , Special gifts and other projects, and connect Yilan Railway Station, Jimmy Park, Diu Diu Dang Forest Plaza, Fortune Transfer Station, Yilan People Story House, Lanyang Original Museum... and other characteristic tourist attractions, which will bring a different look to Yilan. 




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