Invasion of foreign fish species endangers ecological balance
The tiger grouper, a nonnative fish species artificially crossed by breeders and more commercially competitive than other giant groupers was recently discovered to have escaped from fish farms into the coastal waters of Taiwan, and sightings are becoming increasingly common.
In addition to the tiger grouper, the red drum fish imported from the US has also been released into the ocean off Taiwan's west coast. The red drum fish can grow to a large size and will attack other fish species. With an ability to breed naturally in Taiwanese waters, it threatens to infringe on the native ecology and will undoubtedly result in a reduction in the native fish population. Since many businesses sell live fish to the public for release into the wild, the best solution lies in strengthening public environmental education and knowledge in this area.
外來魚種強勢入侵 放生危害生態平衡