
PeoPo “Our Aging” Submissions – sharing perspectives to report on old age

2022/05/24 15:46
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It is estimated that Taiwan will become a super-aged society by 2025, and the impact of an aging population will affect all parts of society. The government must respond early with relevant medical, health, and social welfare measures; however, the burden looks set to become increasingly heavy for the middle-aged. Therefore, this year, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform partnered with the National Association for the Promotion of Community Universities and Sin Yang Ping Community University to call for submissions on the theme of “Our Aging – Taiwan in the Face of a Super-aged Society.”


Before launching our annual call for submissions, we held a symposium where scholars and experts were invited to share their expertise on issues related to old age, and PeoPo shared possible topics for shooting video reports on this theme. Submissions will continue to be accepted until November 30.


We very much hope that more citizen journalists will join the citizen journalism ranks and take action to demonstrate their concerns about the issue of Taiwan’s aging society through video reports.



PeoPo咱的老年徵案 取材面向分享



  在徵案活動開始之前,特別舉辦了研討會,早上邀請學者專家針對高齡的相關議題進行專業的分享,下午PeoPo則分享了如果要進行咱的老年的公民影片拍攝,可以有哪些面向去做取材。我們徵案目前已經開始進行,將會持續進行到11/30為止, 希望可以邀請更多的公民記者,大家一起發揮行動力,共同以報導來關心臺灣高齡化社會的議題。





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