
建國九九 台美同慶雙十國慶

2010/10/10 15:20
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駐堪薩斯台北經濟文化辦事處處長劉姍姍:「(譯) 各位女士們先生們,讓我們一起拿起手上的酒杯,為中華民國以及台美兩國的友誼,舉杯致意。」
堪薩斯州州務卿畢格茲:「 (譯) 就我所看到的,台灣是一個很美好、多元性的國家,那麼很美麗,台灣人民也很勤奮工作。」
畢格茲:「 (譯) 很明顯的,我們擁有相同的民主制度,我們同樣地尊重人民,我相信未來的前景是光明的。」
KU台灣同學會會長陳信吉:「 雙十節說實在的在台灣其實沒有舉辦什麼雙十節的活動,因為在台北雙十節不太可能會去參加,而且外交部的辦事處辦的雙十節給人來參加還蠻驚喜的。」
公民記者 王若羽 美國報導

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Kansas City celebrates the 99th National Day
“Ladies and gentlemen, shall we have a toast to the Republic of China and the long and lasting friendship between United States of the America and the Republic of China. Cheers!” Director General Liu said.
This year is the 99th National Day of the Republic of China on Taiwan. Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Kasas City held the Double Tenth Reception on Oct. 8. Not only the overseas Taiwanese but some US politicians also attended the event.
“From what I’ve seen in there, it's a wonderful country, very diverse and beautiful and hard working people,”  Secretary of State of Kansas Chris Biggs said.
“(So how do you look at the relationship between two counties in the future?)" 
“Well, obviously we share a political process, we share a respect for the people,” he said. “I think there is a bright in the future.”
Celebrating the birthday of Taiwan in the banquet, Director General Jacqueline Liu of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Kansas City addressed the contemporary diplomacy between the United States of America and the Republic of China on Taiwan.
“In the previous year, the relationship between the Untied States and Taiwan has been improved,” Liu said.
Taiwanese international students from University of Kansas also went to the event. This is the very first and signified moment that these KU students celebrated their National Day in the United States.
"Frankly, we didn’t participate in the Double Tenth Day in Taiwan because we weren’t able to attend the event in Taipei,” KU Taiwanese Student Association President Shin-Ji Chen said. “Therefore, it is pretty surprised to be invited to the reception by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Kansas City.”
“(So what do you think the meaning behind celebrating the Double Tenth Day in the United States?)”
“We can introduce Taiwan," he said. "And let everyone know that Taiwan is a nice place.”
Citizen Journalist Joyu Wang reported in Kansas City


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