
PeoPo Try Shoot +: Experiencing green living in Wenshan Forest Park

2023/06/27 09:41
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The third Try Shoot + event of 2023 was held in Taipei’s Wenshan Forest Park, a rare urban green space where Wenshan Community College and local people created the forest trail. Participating citizen journalists from the south of Taiwan began to view Taipei in a different light after seeing the environmental awareness and sustainable vision of locals, and the drizzly weather didn't affect anyone's enthusiasm for shooting videos!


Following the tour guide to the top of the hill, participants enjoyed a great view of Wenshan Forest Park and were amazed by the urban vegetable garden planned by Wenshan Forest Park Lohas Farm. Due to the complex topography of Wenshan Forest Park and its proximity to residential communities, the Park and Geotechnical Division of Taipei Public Works Department and Wenshan Community College joined efforts to create this beautiful and sustainable environment. Through this latest Try Shoot+ event, citizen journalists got to experience a wonderful day of green living!



PeoPo Try拍+ 文山森林公園感受綠意生活








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