
The 4th Citizen Journalism Awards

2010/11/18 09:52
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Taiwanese From Everywhere Voice Out-The 4th Citizen Journalism Awards
First Quality Citizen Journalist Reports.

Only three and a half years after its establishment, the Citizen Journalism Platform PeoPo (http://www.peopo.org) has already attracted around 4500 Citizen Journalists who have submitted near on 50,000 topical grassroots reports. PeoPo have organized the fourth end of year Citizen Journalism Awards. This year the awards have been divided up into a number of distinct categories in order to encourage different kinds of report: scope, depth, immediacy - special reports above 3 minutes and short reports below three minutes.

This year the Citizen Journalist Awards have been welcomed enthusiastically, incorporating such fields as environmental conservation, social issues and humanities etc. The Peopo Awards will be held in the afternoon of Saturday the 18th of December, at Taiwan National University Convention Centre (Gongguan Area) where PeoPo will also be putting on a Citizen Journalist Exhibition highlighting the very best examples of CJ reports. It is hoped these Citizen Journalists will turn up in the flesh to share their experiences and the stories  behind these reports.


Looking back on 2010, the most impressive report was the case involving the governments expropriation of rice fields in Miaoli’s Dapu village, where excavators drove directly into farmers fields to destroy crops on the verge of harvest, giving rise to vehement protests from locals.  Citizen Journalists were on the scene to capture the destruction of the rice fields and the heartrending anguish of local farmers. The images, which were uploaded onto the Internet platform caused an intense storm of protest in Taiwan and even further afield where it caught the attention of CNN’s Internet channel. This international media strength has forced the Taiwanese government to seriously reexamine their expropriation laws.

In the past year, the PeoPo Platform has promoted Citizen Journalism through a mixture of study and practice in the ‘Citizen Journalism Forum’ where an eclectic mix of scholars, specialists and Citizen Journalists were invited to discuss the future and development of Citizen Journalism. The video workshop has already notched up over 300 recordings and the ‘ When We Talk Together Gathering’ has made its way to every nook and corner of Taiwan. The highlight of each and every summer vacation is without doubt the ‘College CJ Intern Camp’, encouraging college students to use basic equipment to shoot topical grassroots issues. In addition to PTS’s ‘PeoPo News’, from March of this year there is also the  ‘PeoPo Webcast’ allowing citizens and friends to jointly inspect government policy through the power of the lens.

The keen interest shown for this years Citizen Journalism Awards in December the best encouragement you could give to the PeoPo Platform, and sure to yield a bumper harvest. 

PeoPo’s will continue to improve its news Internet service, and provide many virtual activities for Internet users, but we need your continued participation, and warmly welcome Citizen Journalist friends to come and get to know the media and use the media as a stage to voice out. Every story you have, no matter how insignificant you feel it is, is a hot PeoPo Platform report in the making.

2010 Citizen Journalism Awards Ceremony:

Time: Saturday 18th December 2010 – 13:00
Place: NTU Convention Centre - 
Basement 1, No.85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City
More Details: http://www.peopo.org


地方紮根 向外發聲
第四屆PeoPo公民新聞獎  優質公民報導嶄頭角





過去一年來,PeoPo平台以學術、實務並行推廣公民新聞,舉辦「公民新聞論壇」,廣邀學者專家與公民記者討論公民新聞的未來發展;影音工作坊已經突破300場,「當我們在「議」起--地方公民記者聚會」也走遍台灣北中南東。每年暑假的重頭戲「大專公民記者實習營」,鼓勵大專學子用簡單設備報導公共議題。在節目經營方面,也有公視帶狀電視節目「公民新聞報」,與今年3月起播送的網路節目「PeoPo Webcast」,與公民朋友一起用鏡頭監督公共政策。





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夜貓 (未驗證) ・ 2010/11/19 00:34

Every little helps, doesn't it.
What a marvelous platform the PeoPo is! Congratulations in advance for all the award-winners.