
Audiovisual workshop cultivates new talent: A renaissance in high-quality citizen journalism

2024/01/10 14:55
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PeoPo推 0

Every year, the PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform organizes a two-day and one-night audiovisual workshop, inviting citizen journalists with outstanding reporting performance and potential to participate. The robust, exciting nature of the workshop attracts citizen journalists from the central and southern parts of the country, who travel north with their luggage in tow to attend. This year, the youngest participant was a girl in junior high school. During the workshop, citizen journalists were divided into four groups, with each group's teacher giving hands-on shooting and editing instruction, as well as passing on valuable production experience.


In addition to classroom sessions, everyone took advantage of the beautiful afternoon to step outside and conduct shooting and interviews on the spot in Yuanshan, Beitou, Qilian, and Tamsui. During the two-day workshop, citizen journalists not only observed and learned from each other's strengths but also got to identify their own blind spots and had an opportunity to exchange experiences. We look forward to everyone's collective efforts to continue producing high-quality citizen journalism!



影音工作坊培育新力 再創高質感公民新聞








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