
Lienchiang County Offshore Islands Integrated Development Implementation Plan < Phase III (100-103) >

2011/01/24 17:56
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the Low-CarbonLOHAS( Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability)Experiential Island Resort


 Development Orientation

1.  Low-Carbon Management and Environmental Development OrientationLivable Islands of Low-Carbon and LOHAS( Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability)

2.  Create LOHAS( Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) and Lifestyle Development OrientationHomeland of LOHAS Suitable for Regimen

3.  The Local Characteristics and Regional Subjectivity OrientationResorts base Suitable for Travel and Tourism

4.  Develop “Irreplaceable Experiential Economy” by using Local Resources


Developing Goals

Priority GoalsSeeking Breakthrough on the Basis of the Existing

(1)  Increase Perfection of Living circle System for the Disadvantaged Islands

(2)  Thought on Construction of Major Public Facilities Import to the Eco-City

(3)  Inject New Thought for the Dilemma of Transportation ; Facilitate Crucial strategic decision

(4)  Create the Core of Tourism Industry which became the promotion of Matsu image of the industry

(5)  Starting Action Plan which Contribute Whole People’s Consensus of Environmentally Responsible

Overall GoalsIn the present situation Greet Opportunities and Challenges under the circumstances


Strategy on the Overall Development

1.  Priority Goals Promote the Essential Elements of Matsu’s development

(1)  Break through the Dilemma for TransportationCreate the basic conditions for which can support LOHAS( Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability)

(2)  Promote Travel and Tourism Industry by TransportationBreeding Experiential Industry by Tourism Development

2.  Sustainable Development StrategiesCreate Green and LOHAS( Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) Highlights of Minjiang River estuary

(1)  Immediate ActionReadiness for the Low-Carbon Islands

(2)  Continuing ActionMaintenance of land and marine ecological habitats

(3)  Insist on ActionCreate Sources of Environmental Law with Total-Amount-Control Concept


Create Governance Consensual Subject of the Low-Carbon and LOHAS( Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) Islands

1.  Promote 3R (ReduceReuseRecycle) philosophy of life

(1)  Recycling of Waste Reduction

(2)  Low-Carbon abd Energy Saving

(3)  Green Consumption

2.  Create Patterns of Local lifestyle

(4)  Happiness Society

(5)  Rich Mix Humanities

(6)  Create Image of the Industry

(7)  Sustainable Environment

3.  Implement Regional Cooperation

(8)  Conservation Cooperation

(9)  Resource Sharing

(10) Reciprocal relationship of Industrial Economics




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