
Gems of Eastern Light – Flying high to achieve a dream

2012/01/16 10:56
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Some time ago, four Taitung youngsters who formerly participated in the New Hope Foundation’s Light of the Eastern Taiwan Project (新希望基金會東光計畫), where they received tutoring assistance, traveled north to attend university in Taipei. Recently, all four of the youngsters got together for a meal with chairman of the foundation, Minister Zhang Mao-song, and Chief Executive Dai Jian-long where they shared the ups and downs of school life in Taipei. Taipei’s crowds and traffic congestion was their common first impression and they used humor to face the disparity between themselves and their Taipei classmates. When their original dream of studying in Taipei came up in conversation they expressed that although they have stumbled along the way, they all still embrace their original dream. Minister Zhang Mao-song and Chief Executive Dai Jian-long expressed their personal joy at seeing the diligence and positive attitudes of these students. To mark the end of a wonderful evening everyone wished each other joy and hope for the future.

Gems of Eastern Light – Flying high to achieve a dream (by CJ New Hope Foundation)




東光寶石 - 逆風高飛的夢想家 ( 新希望基金會 )


四位來自台東的年輕人,北上台北讀大學,過去他們都曾經參加新希望基金會東光計畫在台東開辦的課輔班,某天晚上,他們首度在台北全員到齊,和新希望基金會 董事長張茂松牧師及執行長戴建隆一起用餐,分享在台北讀書的酸甜苦辣。「台北的人潮和車潮」是他們共同的第一印象,對於自己和台北同學的差異,他們用幽默 來面對,提到當初到台北來讀書的夢想,他們都表示雖然一路上跌跌撞撞,但心裡仍然懷抱著夢想。四位年輕人努力而樂觀的態度,讓基金會董事長張牧師和戴執行 長非常欣慰,也彼此祝福未來的生活充滿希望與快樂。




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