
Protect your bicycle by registering it with the police

2012/03/09 15:17
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The lightness and convenience of bicycles makes them easy targets for thieves. With the aim of reducing the theft rate and help make it easier to reunite stolen bicycles with their rightful owners, in 2008 New Taipei City Police took the lead by piloting a new scheme to register bicycles. Due to the effectiveness of the scheme and its popularity with the general public, it is now being extended into other areas of Taiwan. The police have been making non-scheduled stops in communities, at schools, various tourist spots and other areas where large crowds congregate, to promote the scheme and provide their registering service. Surprisingly, there are still a large number of the general public who are unaware of this wonderful free service.

After filling in a simple registration form, you receive a bicycle sticker with an I.D. number that can be cross-referenced to your personal information. The whole process only takes around 10 minutes – like getting a license plate for your bicycle! If your community or social group has a large number of bicycles that require registering you can contact your local police office to arrange a time to register and get your I.D. number. Of course registered bicycles still need to be locked, but if by chance your bicycle does get stolen, you should immediately take your registration documents to the police office or go to the police inquiry website - http://bikeap.ntpd.gov.tw/ - where you can enter your I.D. number and find out whether there is any news regarding your stolen bicycle.

Protect your bicycle by registering it with the police (by CJ leon)





自行車來烙碼 警察寶寶護鐵馬 ( 小記者 )


自 行車輕便的特性成為竊賊容易下手的目標,為了降低失竊率及幫助破案,從民國97年開始,新北市警察局率先試辦自行車烙碼,成效良好也獲得民眾的歡迎,這項 烙碼措施已經推廣到各縣市警察局。警察局不定期主動前往各社區、學校或觀光景點等,人潮眾多的公共場所提供烙碼服務,不過有很多民眾還不知道有這項免費的 服務。烙碼時,當場填寫一份登記書,就可以領到一張烙碼貼紙,每張貼紙都有屬於自己的編碼,只要十分鐘就完成了,就像自行車領了一張牌照一樣。

如 果各社區或社會團體有大量車輛需要烙碼,也可以主動和當地派出所聯繫,安排時間到約定地點協助烙碼。不過,自行車烙碼了還是需要再上鎖,萬一失竊了就趕快 攜帶身分證明文件前往派出所報案,並且告知有登記烙碼,也可以上警察局的資料查詢網站(http://bikeap.ntpd.gov.tw/),輸入身 分證號碼查詢登記資料。




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