Shanding Elementary School bringing music to the people
With a motto of ‘Help every child to come into contact with music, bring music to the people’, music is the distinguishing feature of Shanding Elementary School. With a falling birthrate, the school faced a reduction of student numbers and decided to turn the idle classrooms into music rooms. Each year we design special music programs that help to integrate music into the general syllabus said Lin Pei-chuan(林佩娟). Shanding Elementary School is simply buzzing with musical energy, with musical mosaic washbasins, tiles with musical notation as well as pictures of music artists and instruments emblazoned over the school walls. ‘In art classes the teacher might get students to draw what they feel after listening to a piece of music, and for social studies they may find out about a famous artist said Lin Pei-chuan(林佩娟).
The school has a Taiko drum group, festive drum group, zither society and percussion band to give students the opportunity to continue their love of music after school. In addition to the music teachers, the school also regularly invites the Ju Percussion Group, which gives the students extra tuition. Shanding Elementary School has two other very interesting classrooms; the music exhibition center and the experience music room, which in addition to a whole host of musical instruments on display, also has a wide variety of instruments made by the students out of recycled materials – like rainmakers made from soya beans and plastic bottles, shell castanets, and zithers made from string and paper. Although these instruments are simple and crude, they can be used to perform beautiful sounding music and give the students a great sense of pride in being able to make their own instruments said Lin Pei-chuan(林佩娟).
PeoPo 公民新聞
Shanding Elementary School bringing music to the people
音樂特色學校 山頂國小讓音樂平民化 ( 輔大生命力新聞 )
山頂國小特別營造音樂氣息,有馬賽克拼貼音樂圖案的創意洗手台、小星星樂譜的五線譜磁磚,還有以音樂家介紹和樂器圖片組成的彩繪女兒牆,讓學習環境充斥著音 符;課程部分也有安排,林佩娟說:「上美術課時,老師讓學生藉由聽音樂,畫出對不同聲音的感覺;上社會課則特別介紹不同時期的音樂家。」
學校社團有太鼓隊、節令鼓隊、古箏社、打擊樂團等,讓學生能在課後之餘,能玩樂器玩得很過癮。除了校內的老師,朱宗慶打擊樂團也會定期到學校指導學生。山頂國小還有兩間很不一樣的教室─音樂展覽館、音樂體驗館,裡面除了各種樂器展示,還擺滿了各屆學生做的「環保樂器」,像是利用黃 豆和寶透瓶做成的沙漏、用貝殼完成的響板,以及細線和衛生紙盒做成的古箏等。林佩娟說,這些樂器雖然比較簡陋,但也能演奏出很美妙的音樂,學生都很自豪能自己動手做樂器。