
Investigation into Children’s Park No.5

2012/04/24 17:13
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At the start of the year, Children’s Park No. 5 in Sanxia’s Beida area underwent the first phase of renovation work to install a new part to the children’s play area. With a large section of the park still awaiting renovation, and an eco-pond with height differences of more than eighty centimeters and no protection barriers, many are worried that there is an accident waiting to happen. Residents approached the local district office to air their annoyances over the problem of lampposts that shake like cradles in the wind and the disintegration of the park’s foundations. After over two weeks of absolutely no progress, the citizen journalist decided to inquire about the situation with the Department of Economic Development. To the CJ’s surprise, the department had no knowledge of the dangerous lampposts, but promised to immediately resolve the problem.

After the CJ’s report, Long Xueli’s Neighborhood Officer Wang Yun-ting and the interviewed group made contact, and it was decided to have an on-site meeting with all related parties. This resulted in the eco-pond being cordoned off, and the removal of the dangerous swaying lampposts. Wang Yun-ting expressed that the problems of Children’s Park No. 5 included not only the dangerous lampposts and pond, but also a section of dangerously uneven ground and an area in the children’s play area with massive differences in ground level giving rise to the potential for children to injure themselves.

The Department of Economic Development indicated that the case regarding the protective railings around the eco-pond was in the planning process with local consultants and the lampposts would be replaced in between two to four weeks. The Department of Economic Development also promised that for any future renovation works, a meeting would be convened where the neighborhood chief and members of the community would be invited to attend.

PeoPo 公民新聞

PeoPo 公民新聞

Park No.5 dangers not addressed -



Investigation into Children’s Park No.5 – Dangerous problems resolved




危險不設防 兒五公園任意玩 ( 藍天採訪組 )

【追蹤報導】兒五公園會勘 危險問題有解 ( 藍天採訪組 )


北大特區兒童五號公園在年初進行第一階段整建,增設了一座兒童遊戲區,公園內部還有大片的基地尚未整建,其中一塊下雨便積水的生態池,實地丈量高低落差八十公分,完全沒有任何防護措施,小朋友跑到一旁草皮玩耍,稍不注意恐怕有掉落池中的危險,加上公園裡面的舊式燈桿搖搖搖晃,還有整個基座鬆脫的民眾向區 公所反映,事隔半個多月無動於衷,記者詢問經建課長,竟然還不知道有危險燈桿,承諾會儘快改善。






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