
Wu Zong-xiong helps deprived children become unicycle champions.

2012/06/12 09:46
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Around 8am at Chiayi Hsing-Chung Elementary School, a crowd of young unicyclists begins practice. Sports Education Leader Wu Zong-xiong is promoting unicycling in the school and established a unicycling club. The club has not only proved attractive to students, but also teaching and administrative staff. Wu Zong-xiong is using his own track and field knowledge to teach the children unicycle relay, and has coached them to become Taiwan’s unicycle champions. In the process of learning unicycling, students foster a degree of stability and patience, as well as the power of concentration. Each person has different natural talents, so we need different methods to foster these talents and help each individual to find their own inner light said Wu Zong-xiong. He firmly believes education should be interesting in order to stimulate students, and unleash their unlimited hidden potential.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Wu Zong-xiong helps deprived children become unicycle champions.
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/96465




獨輪車推手 吳宗雄助弱勢生奪冠 ( 中正E報 ) 

早上八點鐘,在嘉義縣興中國小這群獨輪車小選手正準備開始練習,體育組長吳宗雄在學校推廣獨輪車運動,成立獨輪車社,除了學生自願報名,也吸引教職員一起 同樂。吳宗雄善用自己的田徑專長,教導學生獨輪車接力,也帶領學生在去年拿下全國獨輪車比賽的冠軍。吳宗雄表示,在學習獨輪車的過程中,許多學生培養了穩 定度和耐心,也提高了學習的專注力。因為每個人的天分不一樣也要用不同的方法來啟發他,讓他自然找到自己的一片天空。吳宗雄的用心推廣,讓教學變得生動有 趣,也啟發學生,發揮無限的潛能。





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