
NTU’s bombard Shaoxing Community with lawsuits

2012/11/12 17:51
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Standing at the door of the National Taiwan University College of Medicine, wearing a traditional red protest headband bearing the slogan: "Please don’t tear down my home", Mr. Chang yells out "NTU bullies!". Uncle Chang, a veteran of the Battle of Hsupeng, is one of around three to four hundred citizens who have been requested by NTU to vacate their homes. Residents are being sued by NTU, and asked to pay compensation for unjust enrichment.

Zhong Bao-min, spokesperson for general affairs at National Taiwan University College of Medicine, originally walked away after receiving the residents’ petition. However, after residents stubbornly sat in the doorway, demanding that their requests met, he delivered the following statement: "NTU is a public school, and therefore, must operate in accordance with formal procedures. Currently there is no resettlement program, but as part of the lawsuit a reconciliation procedure has been put in place. This will ensure that residents will be exempt from paying 99% of compensation for unjust enrichment. "  A group of 18 school and student representatives from National Taiwan University met to discuss the issues of the Shaoxing Community land dispute. The residents had requested the suspension of legal proceedings, and a joint meeting to discuss a possible resettlement program. Therefore, news of NTU’s decision to ignore residents’ requests and instead push ahead with the litigation process was met with great disappointment within the community. Shaoxing Community residents have been temporarily forced on to the sidelines, but come NTU’s anniversary celebrations on November 15th, the residents will again take up the fight to voice their pain of an uncertain future and the prospect of losing their homes.

PeoPo 公民新聞

NTU’s bombard Shaoxing Community with lawsuits (by CJ Civil Media)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/102614




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