
Overview of Miramar Resort Village

2013/01/18 14:34
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On 22nd December 2012, amid the clamour of massive protests outside, Taitung County Government convened an environmental assessment meeting for Miramar Resort Village. The hotel resort has been built on an area of land known as Shanyuan Bay (杉原灣), or Fudafudak, which is Amis for “beautiful sand”. “This is the traditional living domain of the Amis Citong tribe and due to the development of Miramar Resort Village the tribe are being forced to change their way of living,” said Savungaz Bunun (李品涵), former president of the Indigenous Culture Exchange Society at National Cheng Kung University.

In 2003, seeking to develop a 6-hectare international resort, the Miramar Group and Taitung County Government signed a 50-year BOT contract. At the start of the following year, in order to circumvent an environmental impact assessment (EIA) on land measuring more than 1 hectare, the Miramar Group submitted a building development application for 0.9997 hectares. In 2006, after the development application was expanded to 6 hectares, environmental groups proposed a halt to all construction work and withdrawal of EIAs on both 1-hectare and 6-hectare sites. The Environmental Protection Administration confirmed that the Miramar Group had circumvented the EIA, rendering construction permits invalid.

In 2010, the High Administrative Court ruled that the resort’s EIA was invalid. In January 2012, the Supreme Administrative Court ruled that the resort’s EIA was invalid and in September ruled that the development was illegal, ordering Taitung County Government to immediately stop all construction work. In November 2012, a group of 70 professors called on all academics to stand up and sign a petition demanding that EIA procedures and the judicial process be upheld; in less than a week over 600 academics had signed the petition.

On December 22, 2012, a seventh environmental impact assessment (EIA) meeting that would legitimize the Miramar Resort Village was held sparking fury in environmentalists. Locals in favor of Miramar Resort Village look on the EIA as more related to how employment opportunities can be created in the local community than about the environment and have urged outsiders not to intervene in the development of Taitung. These locals hope that the success of Miramar Resort Village BOT will stimulate tourism development in Taitung, giving local children the opportunity to find work in their hometowns. Even though the EIA had completely omitted areas of supervision mechanisms and commitments, the Miramar Resort Village still gained a conditional approval. However, the case has attracted great opposition from environmental groups who have promised they will not compromise over Miramar Resort Village and are planning further actions.

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Overview of Miramar Resort Village












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