Creating Rainbow House
Twin sisters June (小君) and Tina (小婷) found themselves in foster care after their drug-addict mother, who also had a criminal record, was unable to provide financial or life security for the sisters. After entering into the foster-care system, the twin sisters began to receive psychotherapy treatment at Rainbow House.
In April 2001, the Taichung branch of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (T.F.C.F) established the first Rainbow House in the country. Rainbow House is a therapy center that provides individual counseling rooms, as well as play-therapy rooms and art-therapy rooms, where children are encouraged to express their inner feelings through games and drawing. There is also a cushioned room – The Volcano Room - complete with boxing bags, where children can safety vent their anger. Rainbow House provides an invaluable service to abused children, children who have witnessed violence and children suffering from sexual abuse.
Social worker Lee Shu-jie from Southern Taipei Family Helper Project from T.F.C.F, who is responsible for twin sisters June and Tina, said that in first grade at school the girls often lied and stole things. They would enter empty classrooms to plunder their classmates’ schoolbags, in search of food. On one occasion they even took advantage of the school sports day, ransacking the principal's office, and stealing all the candy on the principle’s table.
After discussions with the school guidance counselor and social workers they discovered June and Tina were actually suffering from insecurity and a lack of satisfaction in their early childhoods, which was manifesting in compulsive stealing. Social worker Lee said that in the course of play therapy, the therapist discovered that the girls would often take a bucket and continually stuff toys into it, the same action being repeated many times. This usually signifies that children are trying to fill an inner emptiness; unfortunately this empty void can never be filled in this manner.
In order to reduce June and Tina’s need to steal, the counselor contacted social workers and arranged for a meeting between the girls’ teachers and foster parents. In addition to treatment, the social worker also recommended that the foster parents prepare a snack for the girls in the afternoon every day. They hoped that giving the girls something to look forward to at the same time every day would stop them having to steal from their classmates.
Creating Rainbow House
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