
Jialan Report 98 – Trial for Lalengleng Bridge

2013/04/10 14:10
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Lalengleng Bridge (拉冷冷橋) was originally scheduled for completion in mid-June. However, a downpour of rain during Tomb Sweeping Festival (清明節) brought with it a great deal of uncertainty. In the early hours of April 6, the downpour led to a sudden and unexpected swelling of the river, causing serious damage to the construction site. An array of construction equipment and materials were washed away, and two cranes remain buried in the riverbed. Additionally, a freight container used as the site office vanished, and the temporary access bridge was badly damaged.

Based on past experience, the Taimali River does not usually begin swelling to such levels until mid-May, when the rainy season arrives. The construction unit had expected to complete the steel engineering work before the start of the rainy season, and no one imagined that a sudden downpour during Tomb Sweeping Festival would inflict such unprecedented destruction.

Currently, it appears that an extension of the completion date will be unavoidable, and questions such as “When will work recommence?” and “Will ‘spring showers’ cause even more damage?” are impossible to answer at this time. Another worrying factor is that with the temporary bridge badly damaged, construction workers will be forced to take a long detour on the steep mountain road; this all comes at a time when the busy millet season is fast approaching.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 嘉蘭報告

Jialan Report 98 – Trial for Lalengleng Bridge












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