
台東疫情緊張 疫苗一小時搶光

2013/07/31 12:37
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PeoPo推 8

  在台灣因未有真正的狗狗狂犬病例,這股不安的恐懼氣氛救以如此嚴重,  如果不幸真有人或狗的案例出現,不知會是何等情況?這是防疫當局必須思考事先安排演練的項目,


The intensifying rabies epidemic in Taitung has forced the county government to purchase a further 20,000 vaccine doses; however, with the vaccine shipment not expected to arrive before August 12, many residents in the county are worried. The last 150 does of the rabies vaccine from Taitung County's Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (台東縣動物防疫所) were administered at 9.30 a.m., on July 31 at the Tian Hou Temple (天后宮) in Guanshan.

In response to panic over the rabies epidemic, queues began forming outside the temple in the early hours, prompting the township office to adopt a ticketing system. It was not only domestic dogs, however, that packed the plaza in front of the temple, but also truck upon truck packed with hunting dogs, which the owners rely upon for their livelihood - hunting wild boar.

With such a huge volume of people and dogs crammed together, it was no surprise that the atmosphere was extremely tense. In less than an hour, the complete vaccination quota had been used up, leaving countless disgruntled residents with no choice but to wait until the next scheduled vaccination announcement.

Taitung rabies panic – vaccination quota snatched up within the hour



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