
Healthier skin for a more beautiful face

2008/07/17 23:49
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Healthier skin for a more beautiful faceBy: Eva Wai 

Fragrance, Make up, Skin care, are what today’s women are mostly concerned about. Their outer appearance costs $$$ just to look whiter.


Christian Dior, an internationally worldwide famous brand has been leading the market since 1905. New products, new additions and so many well recognized brands.


What makes Dior the famous elegant brand? That everybody hears of and knows of. A special interview was arranged at the New Sogo department store in Zhongxiao Fuxhing station with the PR Manager of Christian Dior.


Taking a closer look at today’s people who are more concerned for a better and healthier lifestyle. When asked “So which product of Dior sells the best” said reporter. Ms Violet Sang replied “Umm, that is a tough question which I cannot answer actually most of our Dior products are good sellers”.


Women especially in Asia are concerned about their complexion and having the right skin tone, and naturally healthy looking skin. Dior offers a variety of products from whitening creams, to hydration creams – all so that women can look beautiful.


It’s costly to keep skin looking at it’s top condition. An average bottle of facial cream costs at least in the thousands range of prices. Secrets such as drinking eight glasses of water a day and the right amount of fruits and veggies one intake are sure to also boost the condition of your skin.


This is why Dior is doing so well, and more women are attracted to this luxurious product. Every department store is bound to have a Christian Dior stand with beautiful sales ladies to help you out in choosing the right product for you.


Let’s take a closer look at this video and what the PR Manager of Christian Dior, Violet Sang had to say about their healthy skin care products.


For further information please check www.dior.com



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jlarkin (未驗證) ・ 2008/07/18 09:10
