

2008/07/31 12:24
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PeoPo推 2

By: Eva Wai

Tzi Chi is a well known charity organization across Taiwan, who are involved with lots of charity work in recycling, cleaning of places and helping out those in need who have suffered from natural disasters.

Along this street Fu So Je, in Shingjuang County North of Taiwan. Tzi Chi comes every Wednesday to collect any unwanted recycling products from households nearby.

Under the humid sun, or rainy skies they still come and provide their service to the community. Sorting through different kinds of recycling goods they sit working from average 7 hours.

Plastic bottles in one bag, cardboard boxes in another, polystyrene containers in another. These people spend hours sorting through bags of recycling products.

“I have been working for Tzi Chi for 15 years and find it a great pleasure to help out in a small way to the people of this society” said Anonymous granny

People often bring their rubbish and regard it as recycling and just dump it there without saying a word. There is always heaps of different stuff to recycle through, yet these people still say thank you very much when you drop by your boxes.

Working at no cost, under any environment there are still good people out there who care to save our ecosystem, and care to help others in desperate need in any situations.



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