
National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy

2008/07/18 01:03
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By: Eva Wai 

The National University of Taiwan held a speech just over the weekend about aromatherapy. Many businessman and friends gathered at the conference hall to hear about the lecture and what flowers and herbs can do for your health.


Lorien Vana is their brand name, special diffusers and essential oils are sold widely across the market today.


The president of NAHA – National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy; Mrs. Michele A. Miller from the United States took great pleasure in coming to Taiwan for a few days to share with us her personal experience about essential oils.


Essential oils are the journey to complete health and wellness towards a healthier life. The flowers and herbs are especially selected and tested through international standards.


All their products are produced in Australia, and harvested at their botanical gardens ICIM – International Council of Integrative Medicine combines itself with NAHA.


These natural ingredients are healthy for the body, both physically and mentally. They also have been proven medically tested for most types of people by the USDA.


A six hour lecture was given about how to show how one reaches their success through essential oils and different models and examples were provided. As well as a free testing of their products to rejuvenate the skin.


A special interview with the President was arranged afterwards and she gladly offered to respond to some questions which one might be interested to know, let’s take a closer look.

 For further information please look at the following website www.iaaiaa.org.tw



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