

2008/07/31 11:31
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PeoPo推 2

By: Eva Wai

 Imagine having no meet for one week or one month or try your whole life. There are people out there doing it and becoming vegetarian is vastly becoming popular for a healthier lifestyle.

 Meat can be healthy but consuming too much of it is also unhealthy. Experts say that an average person should at least eat three meals per day with a good amount of vegetables to keep you healthy.

Consuming too much meat and not vegetables results in high blood pressure, gout, high cholesterol and excess fat, where as eating a healthy plate of veggies can minus all these problems.

 This lady Mrs Hsu has been eating pure vegetables and is strictly vegetarian for 25 years. How does she do it, and yet remain so healthy and strong? Let’s find out!

 Being vegetarian doesn’t necessarily mean you can loose weight and be thin, if you consume too many soya products and cook your vegetables the wrong way in lots of oil you might just end up the other way.

Choosing the right vegetables and cooking a different variety may allow your body to absorb all the good and different vitamins.

Some greens, yellow, reds, and orange in your meal is definitely healthy, the more colorful your dish means the more variety of vegetables you have, which equals vitamins galore.

“My whole family is vegetarian, my husband, two children and daughter in law all eat only vegetables and soya products to obtain the nutrients needed”. said Mrs Hsu

 Preparing a piece of stake takes more time than preparing a plate of vegetables. Being vegetarian means you have to cook wisely, selecting different veggies.

 Herbal soups, whole grain rice can be used to replace a lot of missing calcium for strong bones. Soya products, such as vegetarian meats and soya beans replace the protein.

Including vegetables contain a lot of varied vitamins your body will be healthy and fit. Low cholesterol, no blood clots, low blood pressure and low sugar levels.

If you’re somebody who enjoys living healthy, staying fit and in good condition it’s proven that vegetables help you age slower and gain all the vitamins and minerals you need.



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