
Yunmen’s Chishang performance of ‘RICE’ establishes many firsts

2013/11/13 17:40
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In the afternoons of the 2nd and 3rd of November, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan (雲門舞集) performed ‘RICE(稻禾)’ in a paddy field adjacent to Tiantang Road in Chishang, Taitung. The performance created several firsts for the dance troupe; it was the first time Lin Hwai-min’s (林懷民) new performance ‘RICE’ had been seen by an outside audience; and the first time Cloud Gate had performed in a paddy field. In order to ensure the performance went smoothly, not only did the township authorities implement traffic control measures in Tiantang Road for the first time ever, it was also the first time the road had staged a paid performance.

On top of all this, it was also the first time the township office had taken the unprecedented move of requesting farmers not to cut rice during a performance. The host for this performance, Bowie Tsang, said that in Chishang, she had witnessed four seasons in one day. In the three days of rehearsals, the performers had suffered sunburn and blisters on the feet due to the scorching heat; however, on the first day of the performance it suddenly poured from the heavens, completely altering the mood. Dancers suddenly began pouring great amounts of energy into the movements, watched by a delighted raincoat-clad audience, in what must be one of the most rare spectacles ever.

On the last day it rained incessantly, and it began to appear as though it would not be possible for the troupe to perform ‘RICE’. However, around half an hour before the start of the scheduled performance, the rain miraculously stopped, and the distant mountains shrouded in mist gave way to the sun, as it emerged from behind the clouds. This not only allowed Cloud Gate to successfully perform ‘RICE’ as planned, but a specially selected section from the dance piece ‘MOON WATER (水月)’ as well as the famous ‘CROSSING THE OCEAN(渡海)’ were performed in front of a vast golden expanse of paddy fields.

For this piece, some dancers striped to the waist, while others adorned traditional indigo, as they enacted the story of Taiwan’s ancestors struggling to cross the turbulent ocean and crashing waves. The distant mountains were witness to this magnificent performance, as was an audience of two thousand, which gave a rapturous applause as the curtain fell.

Yunmen’s Chishang performance of ‘RICE’ establishes many firsts







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