

2014/02/15 10:43
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Taiwan’s White Terror Returns
By ChingenChang  |  Posted February 9, 2014   7K

A 17-year-old high school student Yu Teng-Jie was forcibly taken by seven to ten “undercover” men to a police station in a private car near Long-Tan Lake in Taoyuan county in Taiwan, where a lantern festival is being prepared for celebration at the end of the lunar new year. The mysterious men didn’t show their badges or identification. When asked by the victim, they also ignored his request.

He didn’t know where they were heading until his arrival at Gao Ping Police Station in Taoyuan. Perhaps dissociation was at play, he vaguely remembered two men sitting next to him in the back seat when a man was videotaping him in the front passenger’s seat.

When asked why the unknown “undercover” policemen took him, he reported, “I was just going to open up a 150 cm by 50 cm banner written “Protect Cultural Heritage, Guard Nankan Soil, ” Yu Teng-Jie is an actionist who advocates that the first kindergarten in Taiwan from half a century ago be preserved for educational purposes.

One of the unknown men asked Mr. Yu Teng-Jie if he wanted to smoke a cigarette when another one intervened, probably aware of the fact that teens under 18 are not allowed to smoke in Taiwan.

Under pressure, the teenager asked them if he could leave the station, the unknown men replied, “please stay until the county mayor Wu Chi-Yang leave the celebration site."  Unlike others who might not have the courage to even ask if he could leave the station, due to long years of white terror after the 228 massacre when the Chinese government in exile originally occupied the island in 1947, he stated he was not nervous and has been used to this unfair treatment because similar incidents had occurred twice before. A volunteer lawyer is preparing to sue the stations who dispatched the unknown men.

What if the unknown men were not real undercover police officers?





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