
100-year-old stone city wall evident in Huaguang community - People call for halt to development and discussions on cultural heritage

2014/03/10 17:18
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110 years ago, prior to the building of Huaguang Community in Taipei City, the area was home to Taipei Prison. Even earlier than this, in 1896, the area was a prison situated on Taipei City’s south wall. But perhaps even more poignant, is the fact that the area bears the blood, sweat and tears of numerous eminent people and martyrs, who were instrumental in the historical development of Taiwan. Examples include not only Lo Fu-hsing (羅福星), who sacrificed himself at the Miaoli Incident (苗栗事件), Chiang Weishui (蔣渭水) of the Formosan Political Incident (治警事件), Lin Youchun (林幼春), Lai He (賴和) and Wang Minchuan (王敏川), all of who spent time in the prison, but also many prisoners of the Second World War, who were executed in a huge international human rights incident.

With 130 years of Taipei history, remnants of city walls from the Qing Dynasty are visible all around. Exploitation of Huaguang Community by the Ministry of Finance, aided by its management body, the Ministry of Justice, has not only driven away many people from their homes, but also ridden roughshod over important historical remains in Taipei, leaving a pile of rubble and garbage in its wake.

In response, a number of cultural and historical groups held a press conference appealing to the Ministry of Culture for an immediate halt to the work, and protection of the site. In accordance with articles 3 and 30 of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs must reopen discussions regarding cultural heritage issues, and demand that the central government stop the development project. Moreover, in accordance with article 33 of the Cultural Heritage Act, the Ministry of Justice is obligated to immediately bring a halt to this development project.

100-year-old stone city wall evident in Huaguang community
- People call for halt to development and discussions on cultural heritage


華光社區可見百年城牆石 民間呼籲停止開發 重啟文資審議





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