
Alishan Forest Railway Series (35) - Dazzling railway diplomacy

2014/05/13 11:49
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On May 5, the 2014 Asia-Pacific Heritage and Tourist Rail Organization commenced its annual meeting from Lumachan (鹿麻產) Train Station in Jhuci (竹崎). The organization hopes that exchange in international rail organizations can push for Alishan Forest Railway to be recognized as a World Heritage site. People from all social circles around the country firmly believe that from a long list of potential sites in Taiwan, Alishan Forest Railway is the most worthy of the highly prestigious World Heritage site designation.

However, through a lack of international experience and international political factors, Taiwan must rely on joining international civil groups and the combined assistance of the public sector to overcome barriers and increase the possibility of a successful application. Railway preservation and the promotion of tourism are two sides of the same coin, as only through providing tourists with the fun of traveling on railways with cultural heritage, do they have the opportunity to reflect on the importance of preservation. Hopefully this will help to increase the general public’s appreciation for Alishan Forest Railway, and in doing so, raise the chances of the site gaining World Heritage recognition. 


Alishan Forest Railway Series (35) - Dazzling railway diplomacy 




「亞太遺產暨旅遊鐵道組織 2014台灣年會」,5月5日移師阿里山森林鐵路「鹿麻產車站」舉行,希望透過鐵道國際交流,使阿里山森鐵申請世界遺產早日實現。阿里山森林鐵道自列入台灣世界遺產潛力點以來,即為各界認定是台灣最具申遺的代表,然而長期以來推動,因缺乏國際經驗,且礙於國際政治因素,台灣往往僅能透過民間團體加入世界性組織,結合公部門的協助,才能突破障礙,提高申請世界遺產的可能性。鐵道保存與深度旅遊的推廣是一體兩面,唯有透過旅遊才能讓民眾親身體驗鐵道文化的樂趣,進而思考保存的重要,提高民眾的認同,申請世界遺產才更有希望。



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