Experience the 3D street treasure hunt in Bangkok
Blending unbounded creativity and perfect simulation, Thailand’s Living Arts Festival 2014 has recently been held in Bangkok’s Ratchaprasong District, unearthing the childlike wonder in users of the normally monotonous rapid transport system. The on-site creative works of numerous artists in 3D and 4D attracted the participation of countless passersby and won the appreciation of pedestrians on the crowded bridge to the MRT and the shopping plaza.
Each artistic creation clearly marked the spot to stand for taking pictures and the best method to present the picture. Using light, shadow and colors to create the illusion of a real environment, some pedestrians even shared their own methods to capture unique shots, pretending to fall to a terrible fate at the bottom of a deep abyss. Pedestrians were left astonished at the magical artworks, which successfully attracted many locals and tourists to stop and play.
Experience the 3D street treasure hunt in Bangkok
街頭3D尋寶去 生活藝術節在曼谷
近期在泰國曼谷市中心拉差帕頌區舉辦生活藝術節(Living Arts Festival 2014 @Ratchaprasong),一成不變的大眾運輸工具,融入無限創意與完美模擬,讓搭乘捷運變得充滿童趣與驚奇。透過多位藝術家的現場揮灑,以3D或4D的繪圖手法,吸引觀眾與街頭藝術創作互動,可以在人來人往的捷運人行天橋上、購物中心廣場等駐點沿途欣賞。每一處展示也都清楚標記了拍攝者的站立點,以及影像呈現方式,也有民眾分享自拍照供參考,假裝快墜入萬丈深淵的驚恐狀,利用光影角度與色彩幻術創造出擬真實境,令人對這神奇的3D魔法藝術嘖嘖稱奇,成功吸引許多當地人與遊客停留駐足。