
South Wanhua – Where can I find Kuzaitou?

2014/07/21 16:53
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PeoPo推 0

Known as ‘Jianazai (加蚋仔)’ by the elder generation, the village of ‘Kuzaitou (窟仔頭)’ is in the south of Wanhua. The village has an underground spring, which formerly covered an extensive area and was an important source of water. Following the city’s development, however, today only one short section of watercourse beside Baoxing Street (寶興街) remains. Despite the fact that the area has become an important spot for ecological and cultural tours, local authorities are planning to cover the watercourse following complaints from residents regarding mosquitos and safety issues.

However, with deep cultural significance in Kuzaitou and serving as an important ecological haven in the heart of the city, interested parties are working to find an amicable way to save the watercourse. Furthermore, experts indicate that the mosquito problem cannot be solved with simply covering or filling the watercourse. A green makeover is much anticipated, which in addition to resolving long-term problems for residents, will also help bring the community together and drive local cultural development. 


South Wanhua – Where can I find Kuzaitou?



南萬華-窟仔頭 哪裡找?





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