
Taivoan Night Ceremony passes on Pingpu culture

2014/10/22 15:10
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The night ceremony of Taivoan village in Kaohsiung’s Liugui District takes place each year on the 15th of September in the Chinese lunar calendar. At this grand sacrificial ceremony held in a public shrine, members of the tribe offer rice wine, betel nut and cigarettes to the protective deity Taizu (太祖), before joining hands and singing with relatives of the tribe and the public. 

The climax of Taivoan Night Ceremony begins following ancient chanting, where in celebration of Taizu’s birthday, under the leadership of tribal elders, traditional music is played and the visiting public join hands with people of the tribe to dance around the shrine.

Secretary-general of Kaohsiung City Pingpu Cultural Development Association, Pan Li-hua (潘麗華) expressed that though locals cherish community cohesiveness, they are often forced away from home to make a living. Pan Li-hua added that over the last three years, she has been moved to see many locals begin to place more importance on their culture and return home to participate in the annual ceremony. 


Taivoan Night Ceremony passes on Pingpu culture

URL: https://www.peopo.org/news/256695

大武壟荖濃夜祭 傳承平埔族文化







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