
有點蠢又有點可愛的比賽 - The 3rd Minority Decides Game

2008/12/15 04:41
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如果你對 Sudoku 的歷史熟, 你就會曉得 Nikoli 這家出版社。因為數?一名就是它們取的。

Nikoli 定期會辦一些小的線上賽, 之前以為是要它們的會員才能參加(加入可是要錢的喲), 但最近再看看規則, 似乎不是, 顯然我的英文程度該加強了。

不過這篇文章卻不是談這些『正規』的題目, 而是要介紹一個很特別的線上賽。

這個比賽乍看之下實在很蠢, 但是…蠢到很可愛。

nikoli original - The 3rd Minority Decides Game
網址: https://member.nikoli.com/en/less_game003.html
截止日: 1/13

Please answer all the yes/no questions below. If you answer question 1 with the minority you will survive and advance to question 2. So the people in the majority will drop out and the minorities are the winners.
請回答比賽網站提出的問題(10個), 你只要選擇『是』或『否』就可以了。如果你在第1題選擇的答案在參賽者中是比較少人選的, 那麼你就可以進入到下一關第2題。反之, 比較多人選的那個答案, 選擇它的參賽者就淘汰出局。
Next we count the answers to question 2 for the surviving players (the minority from question 1), and the minority survives again.
接著殘存的參賽者再於第2題重覆相同的淘汰動作, 同樣是選到較少人挑的答案的參賽者晉級下一輪。
If there is an even number of "yes" and "no" answers all remaining players survive the question. And so on, till the last question. In this manner the most ECCENTRIC person will become the winner of the game!
若兩答案的人數打成平手, 則所有參賽者都晉級下一輪。如此繼續下去直到最後, 答案和他人最不同的那個古怪傢伙就可以贏得勝利。

簡單來說, 就是每一道題你都要盡可能選少數人的答案, 但是這又有一個問題, 當你這麼想時, 別人也這麼想, 那你倒底要怎麼決定呢??

以下是 Nikoli 對這個比賽的說明描述 –

This is a nikoli original easygoing party game. To take part you choose "yes" or "no" for the questions below. If your answer is the same as the minority of players, you survive and go on to the next round. So this game is a litmus test for your sense of what is normal (and sticking with the underdog!). But, as you know, nikoli dislikes tests, examinations, and anything that smells of horoscopes. Yes, we have added one more rule: YOU DON'T NEED TO ANSWER HONESTLY.
If, for example, the question is: " I like dogs better than cats." You may answer "no," even if really you like dogs better than cats. This is a game where you get ahead by guessing the minority opinion.

所以, 題目十分簡單, 舉例來說, 也許會是問你『I like dogs better than cats.(我對狗的喜愛甚於貓)』, 那麼你可能回答 No, 但事實上你是比較喜歡貓的, 只因為你覺得應該比較少人會選 No 而已。誠實這檔事在這個比賽中不適用的。

這只是個小比賽, 測試看看你對『正常』這檔子事的判讀罷了。

反正閒著, 我就把這次比賽的十道題目給順手翻譯一下好了:

Q1 Doing puzzles trains the brain.
Q2 If I were a bird, I would rather be an eagle than a dove.
如果要當隻鳥, 我比較想當老鷹而不是鴿子。
Q3 There is life other than humans in the universe.
Q4 I bought a book in a book store in the last month.
Q5 I went to a friend's wedding in 2008.
Q6 I can point to Tokyo on a map of Japan.
Q7 I get more than 30 spam emails a day.
Q8 I can play a musical instrument.
Q9 Holidays are killing me.
Q10 I'm still on the easy Sudoku puzzles.

你也可以去看看第一屆第二屆的比賽題目和大家回答的反應, 來當做參考。


Don't get depressed if you lose in this game, it only shows that you think like the majority.
And don't be too proud if you win - just because you are a little bit special.

輸掉沒關係, 那說明了你其實還挺正常的。
至於贏的也不用太爽, 這只代表你異於常人。(至於好壞就各自解讀了)

不過贏家可以拿到一件 T-shirt 喔!!

Prize of The Game of Minority Decision



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