PuzzleUp 2018
PuzzleUp 是一個20週,每週一題的謎題賽。它比較屬於排列組合類的數學謎題,像是這種情況有幾種組合?或機率多少?也有可能給了一個情況,問符合的最小數字是什麼等…。
(把2017 換成2016,2015…就可以看到其他屆的題目)
Puzzleup 2018 will commence on the 1st of August 2018 at 11:00 (GMT). The competition will last 20 weeks, and every week a question prepared by Emrehan Halici will be posted on www.puzzleup.com website. We invite puzzle lovers all over the world to our online PuzzleUp competiton. Best luck to all.
Puzzle 2018將於2018年8月1日11:00(格林威治標準時間)開始。比賽將持續20週,每週由Emrehan Halici將準備的問題發佈在www.puzzleup.com網站上。我們邀請世界各地的謎題愛好者參加我們的線上PuzzleUp競賽。祝大家好運。
1. The competition will start on 9th August 2018 and consist of 20 problems which will be posted every week. The competition (answering period) will last totally 20 weeks. There will be no extra time.
2. New problems will be posted every Wednesday at 11:00 (GMT). Each new problem is finalized in the following 24 hours (i.e. checked for possible revisions, changes, extra information, etc.) and the answering period starts on Thursdays at 11:00 (GMT).
3. Competitors may start the competition at any time during the 20 week period, and answer problems from past weeks.
4. Each user may join the competition with a single name/membership.
5. Do not write explanations when answering problems. Respond numerically unless the opposite is requested. Otherwise your answer will be evaluated as wrong.
6. At the end of the competition the solutions and explanations for all the problems will be requested from only those who have the possibility of being in top ten of the scoreboard.
7. Each correct answer is 100 points. Competitors may change their answers up to 4 times (5 answering options in total). 20 points will be subtracted from 100 points as each change is made by the competitor. (1st answer-no change:100 points, 2nd answer:80 points, 3rd answer:60 points, 4th answer: 40 points, 5th answer: 20 points). Competitors may additionally collect two types of extra points. These are given depending on (a) the answering day of each user and (b) the percentage of correct answers given by all users to the same problem. More specifically:
a. Competitors receive 5 points for each answer they provide on the first answering day (Thursday 11:00 - Friday 10:59 GMT) of the first week, 4 points for each answer on the second day (Friday 11:00 - Saturday 10:59 GMT), 3 for each answer on the third day (Saturday 11:00 - Sunday 10:59 GMT), 2 for each answer on the fourth day (Sunday 11:00 - Monday 10:59 GMT), 1 for each answer on the fifth day (Monday 11:00 - Tuesday 10:59 GMT). No extra points are given for correct answers to problems from past weeks.
b. (100-the correct answer percentage of all users) is added to the total points.
For example: Suppose that a competitor has answered a certain problem on the fifth day and the same problem was answered correctly by 30 of the 50 competitors who responded. In this case, 100 points for answering the problem correctly, another 1 point for answering on the fifth day, and 40 extra points (because 30 out of 50 users answered that problem correctly) will be given. The competitor receives 141 points (100 + 1 +[ 100-(100*30/50) ] = 141 ) in total.
7.每個正確的答案是100分。參賽者同一題最多可以將答案更改4次(總共5次回答機會)。每次參賽者更改答案,將從100分中減去20分。 (在答對的情況下:第一個答案 - 沒有變化:100分,第二個答案:80分,第三個答案:60分,第四個答案:40分,第五個答案:20分)。參賽者還可以得到另外兩種類型的額外積分。這些分數取決於(a)參賽者的應答日和(b)所有參賽者這一題答對的百分比。詳述如下(要答對才算啊):
a. 參賽者在第一周的第一個應答日(週四11:00 - 週五10:59 GMT)回答答案獲得5分,第二天每個答案4分(週五11:00 - 週六10:59 GMT),第三天(週六11:00 - 週日10:59 GMT)每個答案為3分,第四天(週日11:00 - 週一10:59 GMT)的每個答案為2分,到了第五天每個答案為1分(週一11:00 - 週二10:59 GMT)。至於超過這週才做回答,就沒有這項額外分數了。
例如:假設有個參賽者在第五天回答了某個問題,並且全部50個參賽者中,有30個正確回答了同樣的問題。在這種情況下,他將因正確回答獲得100分,另外因他在第五天回答獲得1分,以及額外的40分(因為50個參賽者中的30個正確回答了該問題)。此名參賽者在這一題總共得到141分(100 + 1 + [100-(100 * 30/50)] = 141)。
8. The scoreboard is updated approximately once a month. The points on the scoreboard correspond to correct answers for randomly chosen problems and include bonus points. (The number of randomly chosen problems is equal to half of the total number of problems).
8.記分板大約每月更新一次。記分板上的分數為:系統隨機選擇問題,該參賽者因答對正確答案獲得的分數總計(包括獎勵積分)。 (隨機選擇的問題數量等於問題總數的一半)。
9. At the end of the competition the correct answers will be announced and the competitors will be able to examine their scores for all the problems for a 1 week period. Any objection should be made during this period.
10. Certificates will be e-mailed to the winners; the 10 competitors with the highest points. There are no rewards.
11. All the problems in the competition are composed by Emrehan Halici, and fall into three different groups:
a. Different versions of formerly published, poorly-known problems
b. Problems based on a mathematical theory or formula
c. Original problems
11.比賽中的所有問題都由Emrehan Halici編寫組成,分為三類:
12. In PuzzleUp the solutions of the problems are not revealed. The ideas behind the reason for this can be found in the passage taken from the speech made by Emrehan Halici regarding this rule.
12.在PuzzleUp中,不會公布問題答案的解答步驟方案。這個原因背後的想法,可以在Emrehan Halici的相關演講中的段落中找到。
13. Any problem may be cancelled due to reasons such as faulty problems, or similar problems published in another commonly used medium. In such cases, the cancellation will be announced on the PuzzleUp website and scores will be re-calculated.
14. For your comments and suggestions you can use the [comments] section. Please do not discuss/share answers or tips in your messages. Also please keep in mind that every message will be read, but since this section is not a ""forum"", not all of them will be published or answered.
15. The PuzzleUp board has the right to disqualify any competitor who violates these rules or any other ethical rule.
15. PuzzleUp團隊有權取消任何違反這些規則或任何其他道德規則的參賽者的資格。
16. The PuzzleUp board has the right to make amendments on these rules. Once amendments have been made, they will announced on the main page.
16. PuzzleUp團隊有權對這些規則進行修改。修改完成後,將在主頁上公佈。
17. All competitors are expected to have read and accepted these rules.
1. 整個規則中完全沒有提及如何計算的部分,其實它是可以允許參賽者使用邏輯思維去寫出程式做運算的,但請自己做自己的,沒有team work 這檔事。(和大部分謎題賽嚴格限制使用紙筆,不得使用電腦等其他輔助工具的規定不同)
2. 因為可以解之前的題目,所以這廿週內嚴禁發表想法、討論等。有什麼思維請等PuzzleUp2018結束再談。
3. 計分方法就是基本分數和兩種bonus 分數,在最近幾屆,前十名根本都同分(都是第一名),所以想要站上前十,基本上每週都要在第一天就答對,而且不能修正。
4. 計分板的概念要說明一下,假設進行完第8題,計分板更新了。而這時系統隨機選出的是第1,2,4,7題,那麼就只會顯示這四題參賽者拿到的總分(但你也不曉得是哪四題就是了)
5. 沒有獎勵這檔事好像在謎題界幾乎是通則了。
6. 以下是主辦者Emrehan Halici的TED 演講,在最後他所說的是:
『Life is a game and it repeats every day. Taking it too serious or taking it too easy are both wrong. The most important thing about the game is not to win or not to lose. The most important thing about the game is to enjoy it and to wait for the next game with hope and enthusiasm. I wish all of your life full of very joyable very colorful games. Thank you. 』
好好享受這場 Puzzle 盛宴吧!