
Loss of Hakka dialect

2015/01/13 10:39
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According to field research by teachers and students in the Communication and Management Research Department at Nanhua University, Zhenbei community in Chiayi County’s Meishan Township was an important Hakka settlement one hundred years ago. Unfortunately, the prevalent use of Mandarin Chinese has slowly depleted the native Hakka language, forcing Hakka people to rely on genealogy, religion and oral narration by Hakka seniors to retrieve their culture. In order to recapture the lost Hakka language, Professor Wang Hui-lan (王慧蘭) from Nanhua University led a group of graduate students to conduct a comprehensive field research study.

Through the process of interviewing elderly Hakka people in the community, Professor Wang and his team are attempting to establish the fabric of Hakka culture in Zhenbei community. At the same time, by means of making a video recording of the complete process, Professor Wang hopes to provide data through which the community can find its roots and recapture the lost Hakka dialect.  

Loss of Hakka dialect 



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