
4th World Sudoku Championship 的訊息

2008/12/22 19:05
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WPF 的官網公告了明年四月在 Slovakia 舉辦第四屆世界盃數獨賽的相關訊息。

World Sudoku Championship 2009, ?ilina (Slovakia)
24 - 27 April 2009
and take a breath
of its neverending beauty,
its mystery,
its hospitality and opportunities.
SLOVAKIA a little big country.
(看起來像是歡迎詞, 但被我翻譯完應該會毀掉, 呵呵~~)

Exactly these words were the beginning of our presentation which gave us the opportunity to organize WSC 2009 in Slovakia. So come. All of you are heartily welcome. We prepared not only the competition to win the title but also fun, humour and several surprises. We believe that you will experience pleasant feeling and company of friends gathered together through the hobby called sudoku.
就是這段話, 讓我們Slovakia爭取到舉辦2009 WSC 的機會。來吧, 我們衷心地歡迎你們, 每一個人。所提供的不只單單是競逐桂冠的比賽, 我們還準備了一些好玩有趣的小驚喜。深深地相信, 你們將會體驗到和數獨同好們共同活動的愉悅。

Each country may be represented by six participants in the individual competition. The individual results will be not be taken into consideration for the team competition. The team will consist of three members. If there are more individuals from one country, it can have two teams. Only the result of the better team will be in the results ranking. It means that two teams from the same coutry may compete against each other. If only one or two participants come from one coutry, they may be able to compete and fight for the honour of their country.
每個國家可以派出六位選手參加個人賽, 但個人賽的成績並非就是團隊成績。一個隊伍只有三位選手, 如果一個國家選手超過三名, 那麼將會被分成兩隊。只有成績比較好的那個隊伍才被列入最終團隊排名。也就是說, 來自同樣家鄉的兩隊, 廝殺吧!!若一個國家只有1到2名參賽者, 他們仍然可以可以參與, 或國家榮耀而戰。

Specialities and rules (nomination, registration, rules, ranking, proposal of accomodation, fee and payment conditions, accreditations will be from January publish.

Registration starts January 2009
2009年一月, 正式開始報名作業!!

WPF 的公告
預計的 Schedule

註: WPF 的官網犯了個小錯, 把第四屆打成了3rd, ㄎㄎㄎ…



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靜靜地 (未驗證) ・ 2008/12/27 19:32


第一個字是 為 字吧?

祈求一顆天真的心 (未驗證) ・ 2008/12/28 11:14

但懶得改, 反正看得懂就好, 呵呵~~~