O?uz Atay Puzzle Contest
來自 Forsmarts 討論區的訊息….
還蠻令人興奮的, 今年大概可以當做 Puzzle 年, 因為每個月都會有線上賽可以打!!
Hi to all puzzle friends!
所有玩謎題的朋友們, 大家好…
As you know puzzlers from all over the world are getting together twice a year in different countries decided by WPF. This year Turkey is hosting the 18th WPC in Antalya.
正如你們所知, 每年WPF 都會在不同國家舉辦兩次大型的活動, 讓解謎同好相聚切磋(譯注: 大概是在說 WPC 和 WSC)。今年, 換我們土耳其主辦WPC 了, 地點是在 Antalya(安塔利亞)。
Counting down to the 18th WPC, we have decided to hold online competitions every month, as a preparation & practice for the event. Until October, we will organise an online contest at the second Saturday of every month. This set of competitions will help puzzlers get familiar with the Turkish puzzles, the types some of which may be used in the WPC.
在第十八屆 WPC 邁入倒數的時刻(譯吐槽: 還早吧, 那不是11月左右的事??)。我們決定每個月舉辦一次線上賽, 當作是為最後這項大型活動的暖身。從現在到十月, 每個月第二個星期六, 我們都會辦一場線上賽。這系列的賽程主要是希望讓解謎同好們能更熟悉我們土耳其的賽題。其中部分可能會出現在 WPC 的題目中喲~~
The first contest of this set is going to be held under the Forsmarts/Diogen sites, in January 10 2009, as a torch relay in Olympic Games, from the former organizers of WPC. The following contests will take place under the official web site of WPC 2009.
第一場比賽將透過 Forsmarts/Diogen 的網站系統, 於2009年1月10日開打。就如同是奧運聖火傳遞一般, 將由先前主辦WPC 的主辦國網站開始(譯注: 白俄羅斯, Forsmarts/Diogen 好像就是白俄羅斯的網站, 但不確定), 接下來的比賽就會在 WPC2009 的正式官網上舉辦。
We named this competition set “O?uz Atay Puzzle Contest”, having the name of one of the best Turkish writers, who passed away early as most of the bests.
(譯注: 在說明取名叫 O?uz Atay Puzzle Contest 的原因, 但除了大概看到O?uz Atay 是個土耳其作家外, 其他完全搞不懂)
The contest is made up of 10+1 puzzle types, four puzzles of each type plus an optimizer. The duration for the contest is 150 minutes. Do not be discouraged with the amount of 41 puzzles, the more of each puzzle helps to solve every next better. Four puzzles of ten types are more useful for solving than many different types
比賽將由10+1種Puzzle 題型組成, 每種題型各四道題, 再外加一道求最優解的題目。時間限制為150分鐘。不要被41題這種數量給嚇到了, 其實每種賽題在解的過程中, 解得越多, 會幫助你解同類型的題目越快越好。10種題型各4道題, 其實在解謎過程中, 是比其一堆不同題型賽題來講, 更有助於解題。
The + sign used in separating puzzles and the puzzle scores is the symbol of OAPC.
看到範例中的大十字, 代表每種題型的幾道題, 各有幾分。
Good luck,
Serkan Yurekli (Author)
Gulce Ozkutuk (Co-pilot)
廢話不多說, 快去下載範例吧!!
有空再把賽題的題型翻譯 post 上來, 沒空就算了, 明天還要去苗栗咧…