
CISRA Puzzle Competition 2009

2009/01/21 20:20
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CISRA Puzzle Competition 2009 (網址)

基本上這是個 Canon 主辦的線上 Puzzle 賽, 從2007年開始, 應該已經邁入第三屆了。

CISRA is Canon Information Systems Research Australia, a leading research and development centre for Canon.
(介紹何謂 CISRA)

依照往例, 比賽時間約三個月, 固定時間會丟出一組題目(四題), 一共有五組。比較特別的是, 每過一段時間, 它也會丟出題目的 Hints, 讓解不出來的人有線索。
至於比賽的方式則是線上賽上傳, 但成員是以隊伍計, 一隊可以有一到四個人。相關內容可以參考以下的2008規則。(2009年規則還沒出來)

至於讓人傷感情的獎品, 就別提了…

官方公告 -

21 January 2009

The 2009 puzzle competition will be happening some time in March or April.
2009年的Puzzle 賽會在3月或4月分展開。

Prizes will include cameras for each first and second place team member. The competition is open to everyone, however teams are restricted to a maximum of four people, and only Australian students are eligible for prizes.
第一名和第二名的團隊, 將可獲得相機當做獎品, 而且是成員每人一台。這項競賽有人都可以參加, 但是一隊最多四人, 而且只有身分是『澳洲籍的學生』才有資格拿獎品。(……………:~~)

2008年規則 –

CISRA Puzzle Competition 2008 Rules

Registration (註冊)

Registration is open to teams of from one to four people. 

The name and e-mail address of each team member must be filled out on the registration form when registering the team. 
每個成員的名字和e-mail 信箱在註冊時都要填妥。

Teams may register at any time until the competition closes. 
在比賽宣告結束前, 任何新隊伍想註冊參加都可以。

Additional team members may be added to teams of fewer than four members after registration, using the form on the registration page. 
少於四人的隊伍, 註冊後也可以隨時補上新成員。

Participants may be a member of no more than one team. If a single participant registers on multiple teams, all those teams will be disqualified. 
一人只能參加一隊, 想腳跨兩條船的傢伙, 你會害你所註冊的所有隊伍一起喪失資格。

Australian-resident full-time students must submit the name of their school or university when registering to be eligible for prizes. 
澳洲籍的全職學生, 註冊記得要填上你的學校名稱, 不然獎品不給你。

Prizes (獎品)

First Prize: A Canon IXUS 960IS digital camera for each team member. RRP A$649. 
Second Prize: A Canon Powershot A550 digital camera for each team member. RRP A$199. 
Third Prize: A CISRA pen/stylus/laser-pointer for each team member. 

Only full-time school and university students resident in Australia are eligible for prizes. A team must consist entirely of Australian-resident students to qualify for prizes. Teams containing one or more non-Australian residents and/or non-students are most welcome to compete for glory. 
Eligibility of winners will be checked before prizes are issued. Documentary evidence of Australian student status may be required. Any team found to be ineligible for prizes will be disqualified and the prize will be awarded to the next highest ranked eligible team. 
The First Prize will go to the highest ranked eligible team. The Second Prize will go to the next highest ranked eligible team. The Third Prize will go to the next highest ranked eligible team. 
Puzzle competition organisers and their immediate family are ineligible for prizes. 
Staff and contractors at CISRA and Adcorp and their immediate family are ineligible for prizes. 
(以上是介紹獎品時間, 我已經夠難過了, 不要再逼我把它逐一翻出來:~~~反正我想在看中文的你大概也是拿不到的:~~~)

Puzzles and Point Scoring (賽題和記分 [註: 請記得以下日程是2008年的, 2009年的日程還沒出來])

Puzzles will be released on the following schedule:
29 February - Site open for team registration. Group 1 puzzles released.
Mon 28 April - Puzzle Week begins. Group 2 puzzles released.
Tue 29 April - Group 3 puzzles released. Hints released for Groups 1 and 2.
Wed 30 April - Group 4 puzzles released. Hints released for Groups 1, 2, 3.
Thu 1 May - Group 5 puzzles released. Hints released for Groups 1, 2, 3, 4.
Fri 2 May - Hints released for Groups 3, 4, 5.
Sat 3 May - Hints released for Groups 4, 5.
Sun 4 May - Hints released for Group 5.
Mon 5 May - Competition closes. Puzzle solutions released. Provisional prize winners contacted to verify eligibility.
(列出每組賽題, 提示的公布日期, 以及比賽結束日)

All events occur at 12:00 noon Australian Eastern Standard Time (2:00 am GMT).
以上你所看到的所有時程, 時間都是 Australian Eastern Standard Time 中午十二點(相當於格林威治時間早上兩點, 簡單來說澳洲是 GMT+10 時區)

There is a total of 20 puzzles that are worth points, released in five Groups of four puzzles each. Teams may attempt to answer all puzzles in each Group. 
共有廿道賽題, 分成五組(每組四道題)。每一隊都可以盡力去解答每一道題。

All answers must be submitted to the answer server at http://puzzle.cisra.com.au/solve.php. Answers submitted by any other means will not be accepted. 
答案請登錄到 http://puzzle.cisra.com.au/solve.php, 我們不接受用別的方式傳送的答案(註: 也就是不能用 e-mail, 郵寄, 傳真, 電報, 飛鴿傳書, 心靈感應…etc.)

Answers contain only one or more of the 26 lower case letters a-z. When submitting answers, upper case letters will be converted to lower case by the answer server, and spaces, numbers, and other characters will be removed before the answer is checked.
Example: If an answer is "fortytwo", entering "Forty-Two" will be considered correct, but "42" will be incorrect.
答案只會有小寫的英文字母, 你所輸入的答案, 都會自動由系統將大寫轉成小寫。而所有的空格, 數字或是其他符號都會被自動移除。舉例來說, 如果答案是”fortytwo”, 而你輸入的是”Forty-Two”, 這樣經過轉換後答案是吻合的。但要是你輸入的是”42”, 我們就給你打個大叉叉。



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