
Returning home to regenerate Toucheng’s Old Street

2015/07/22 10:43
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Peng Ren-hong (彭仁鴻), the organizer of the culture and arts festival being held in Yilan’s Toucheng Old Street, is a young volunteer who has returned to his hometown. Commuting to Taipei each day for work, regardless of how tired he is when he gets home in the evening, he insists on getting on with affairs related to the event. It is hoped that the arts festival can inject life back into Toucheng Old Street.

In addition to inviting international artists to create new pieces of work in the area’s old street, in the hope of creating a new atmosphere in Toucheng, local artists have also been willing to provide their expertise and support the event. Witnessing the great efforts of young people in bringing together local resources, local residents and businesses have also been coming forward to support activities at the event. In addition to attracting tourists, the central aim of Toucheng Old Street Culture & Arts Festival is to bring local people together.

The focus is on helping the older generation to see new hope ahead for the city, and on helping the younger generation to become acquainted with the city's cultural and historical past, genuinely putting into practice the spirit of participation.

Returning home to regenerate Toucheng’s Old Street 



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