
Yilan’s atmosphere of yesteryear – stone houses imbued with generations of love

2015/07/28 15:32
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PeoPo推 1

For reasons of topography and climate, Yilan is frequently subjected to the battering of typhoons and natural disasters, which sometimes even topple residential dwellings. Using the rocks they removed during the clearing of wild land for cultivation during the 60s and 70s, previous generations wisely build stone dwellings that were resistant to the wind, the rain, and erosion, with windows constructed out of neat rows of bricks. With a ready availability of rocks at the time, and a compact soil that was both durable and secure, this architectural style began to spread, creating a unique vista in the area. 

The well-preserved Wu family stone house that remains standing today, carries with it the responsibility of protecting the memories of the generations who came to cultivate these once wild areas. In fact, there are countless uninhabited stone houses still standing in Yilan. A senior member of the Wu family said that because times have changed, he does not feel the need to preserve these old houses. Though he belonged to a generation in which stone houses were part of life, he fully respects the life choices of the current generation.

Yilan’s atmosphere of yesteryear – stone houses imbued with generations of love 









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