14 Universities Enthusiastically Participate in PeoPo’s Intercollegiate In-depth Reporting
14 Universities Enthusiastically Participate in PeoPo’s Intercollegiate In-depth Reporting
In the 8 years since its inception in 2007, PTS’s PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform has amassed 100,000 citizen journalist reports, 60,000 of which are video reports – many of the reports touch on issues that are worthy of further exploration.
Collaborating with 14 media-related university departments from around Taiwan to established PeoPo Campus News Centers, PeoPo has encouraged schools to provide more in-depth coverage of local issues. By broadcasting via PTS’s channel network and over the Internet, the influence of such reports has been greatly expanded. PeoPo and the 14 educational institutions recently organized an intercollegiate news conference to announce the significance of this collaborative project.
This project has not only given a great deal of encouragement and affirmation to citizen journalists and campus news centers, but also played a pivotal role in the development of citizen journalism. In this particular collaboration, teacher-student teams from the various campus news centers and PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform selected a number of topical issues for exchange and discussion by citizen journalists.
Following discussions, teachers and PTS producers provided guidance and instruction to students on how to produce more far-reaching reports. Such training has motivated students to walk out of the campus and begin caring for the community, a clear display of the wonderful results from professional media training and civic society exchange.
In the future, PTS intends to integrate in-depth reports from the various schools in a new “PeoPo 30Minutes” program, which will be aired on the PTS channel. In addition, these new programs will be collated and broadcast online through “PeoPo Webcast”.
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/290501
PeoPo校際深度報導 14所大學熱情參與
未來公視也將整合各校深度報導內容,新闢「PeoPo 30Minutes」節目,於公視頻道播出;此外也將製作專輯內容,於網路節目「PeoPo Webcast」進行線上播映。