
Finding a way out for life

2016/07/20 10:01
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In the hope of improving environmental water conditions, a joint wetland cleanup operation has been instigated between Chiayi Forest District Office, Chiayi County Government, and various community groups. Chaiyi Aogu Wetland and Forest Park is composed of a horseshoe-shaped wetland area surrounded with embankments on the northern, western and southern sides. The park’s diverse landscape, which includes woodlands, wetlands, marshes, and farmland, provides not only an important public open space but also a rich habitat for wildlife. As of February 2016, a longstanding survey of the park had already recorded over 262 different kinds of birds, including a number of protected species, making Chaiyi Aogu Wetland and Forest Park a Mecca for bird-watching enthusiasts.  

A number of heartrending incidents happened prior to the park’s creation including a black-faced spoonbill being tangled in fishing nets and injured cormorants, which indicated the presence of illegal fishing activities in the wetland. In order to prevent further injury to wildlife, Chiayi Forest District Office coordinated with various other departments to implement a scheme that would eradicate fishing nets and other illegal fishing practices for good, thereby putting an end to the needless injury of innocent creatures.

Finding a way out for life



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林務局嘉義林區管理處聯合嘉義縣政府等單位,共同執行清除濕地漁網作業,希望當地水域環境條件獲得改善。嘉義縣鰲鼓濕地森林園區主要由北、西、南三面堤防圍繞成一馬蹄形封閉型濕地,有森林、濕地、草澤、農田等多元地景,除了提供民眾休憩空間,也營造出不同的野生動物生存環境。至105年2月底,歷年調查記錄到的鳥類多達262 種,其中包含多種保育類物種,是臺灣重要的賞鳥聖地之一。




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